“Invisible beauty”

“In every work and every move,
in each day, he tries to prove,
a heartfelt gift in every act,
a thankful feel for having lacked neither:
a pinch of joy when right beside,
nor a ton of fun in every chide.
Yet in times or all, it seems to be seen right past,
in cause of how it all seems off classed:
blending in with persona as if normal,
losing visibility amongst the crowd as if regular.

all this seems in line to just a glass of water,
when filled, causes nothing for one to perceive,
as something beautiful, unique or that can heart heave.

but when time’s frozen still,
the all but simple pour of water,
seems but an intrinsic display of running art in glory,

this when seen… does it make you wonder?
that if you froze someone’s actions and did some ponder?
would it yield a completely different view somewhere yonder?
or would you rather choose to see through and squander…

The value of gifts in every action”

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